Resource Churchill is a wholly owned Nigerian Company with a high level of international experience and competence. Our core business is in the Supply/Provision of Offshore Support Services,Materials Procurement, Manpower Supply, Onshore/Offshore Inspection/Training Services and rendering of support services to companies in the Manufacturing,Oil and Gas Industries.
Over the years, we have created un-equalled technical partnerships with world’s renowned names in the industry. Thereby, creating reliable, efficient and cost effective services to our end-users
In partnership with The Offshore Partners (TOP) in Holland, EODT Security Technologies USA, Marine Engineering Diving Services, we provide a wide range of services for the Marine and Offshore Industry.
We are engagedin various aspects of the offshore industry,including new built and conversion of specialized offshore vessels, manufacturing and transportation, marine consultancy services,vessel management and operations.
We offer tailor made and dedicated expertise to clients worldwide.
OFFSHORE OIL & GAS -This partnership owns and operates a range of marine assets to support offshore oil & gas projects and terminal operations including; Security Vessel and Personnel, Anchor Handling TugSupply (AHTS) Vessels,Offshore Supply Vessels, Maintenance Vessels, Self Propelled ‘Lift boats’, Jack Up barges,Towing Tugs,Crew Boats and Barges.
Our commitment towards the provision of offshore support services is to ensure that client’s assets and operations continue to operate at optimal level.
With the advantages of our partnerships our (Original Equipment Manufacturers] OEM’s, Materials stockist and our huge capital base,we truly understand the need for prompt delivery of needed equipment to your project/remote locations.In our efforts to keep our promise of reliable performance(s), RCL have maintained a tremendous experience with major IOC’s critical projects as well as established delivery network within and outside Nigeria. All of these are guaranteed thru our line up of well motivatedand trained personnel.
Our integrity has earned us decent partnerships with top manufacturers of quality oil and gas tools and equipment.
These include; Pipe Mills, Structural Steel Stockists, Flanges and Fittings Manufacturers etc.
In addition, we have huge warehouses in major cities, to strategically stock needed materials for our end-users maintenance operations or projects.
We Specialize in recruiting for engineering
To continuously improve the quality and value of services we supply to our clients by identifying and utilising local human, trade resources and partnerships.
Empowering our employees with training and the collective responsibility for the quality of services and product at all times. Monitoring the requirements of our customers and adapting or developing our services,processes and product to suit their needs.
Continuously strive to improve our efficiency and the effect our activities have on our local and global environment.